Activities that Put Me Down

7:25 PM

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Been so busy the past couple of weeks. I don't know if I forgot my time management skills or there were really activities that could not be left undone.

We had a fund raising in the church in order to build a rectory for the parish. Our chapel will soon become a parish and everybody was excited to sell the raffle tickets, the final draw of which was June 28 where one lucky winner brought home the brand new Avanza. It was a handsome car fitted for a lady driver and I also prayed to be the winner. But when it was drawn and somebody else name was taken, it made me sigh a relief because at least our job was done.

Before the raffle draw I accompanied by sweetheart to his hometown in Kalibo. His purpose was to be fully recuperated from his stroke. We visited Boracay, (the Pearl of the Pacific) where I have a long-term membership up to 2032. Then back to his town in Kalibo where he is staying until now. He decided to stay for his mission while I returned to Manila for my personal activities.

Prior to this Boracay visit, the Flores de Mayo was successfully accomplished. Fifty five sagalas honored the Blessed Virgin with roses and prayers. Thanks to the municipal band of Mayor Ilagan and the drum and lyre from Pasig.

Several other activities piled up together that made myself so tired and suffered a flu. Mind you it was not the A(H1N1) virus because after two days I am again up alive and kicking.

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